A contract is a legal agreement between you (who promises to pay for the work) and the person who will do the work. It will make life much easier if you spell out in that contract, certain terms and conditions that should help to insure delivery of a timely and beautiful product.
Here are a few ideas for inclusion in such a contract.
- Include contract information for both parties.
- Specify the dates, times, and addresses of all wedding locations.
- Provide the name and the contact information for an available backup photographer.
- Include a clear statement of the package details the photographer offers or which you have selected.
- There should be a statement of the photographer's copy right policy. Read it carefully. Generally this means that the photographer owns the exclusive legal rights to the photographs and means that you cannot use them for publication without the photographers permission. However, you can use images for personal reasons, such as posting on your wedding web site or emailing them to family and friends.
The contract should also detail:
- The date that the proofs will be available and how long you may keep them.
- How long your photographer will keep the negatives.
- When and how you will receive your album, prints, Cd's.
- The reorder prices.
- The total cost and the payment due dates.
- The deposit amount.
- The cancellation and refund policy.
I know this must seem like alot to go over, but your wedding photographers and the one thing you will cherish for years to come. With that you want to make sure you receive everything you wanted from your photographer that day...you can't really have a re-shoot for one of the biggest days of your lives.
Also, make a list of photographs you would like taken, funny poses, special guests. Send your photographer a few pictures you have seen and really liked. It will give them a better idea of what you are looking for. It is such a busy day and you are caught up in the moment. So if your photographer has your must have list you are sure not to miss those special shots.